Who is Silent Gays?
The founder of Silent Gays is Jim Marjoram (the author of “It’s Life Jim…“), a gay man who has sought freedom from homosexuality all his life, only to discover it was OK all along!
Jim is supported by many others with the same vision, who seek to bring wholeness and healing to all who are, or have been, silently trapped, abused and suffered in, or because of, religion, through unconditional love and acceptance.
Silent Gays provides, workshops and seminars, online resources and private support groups.
Listen to my story here
The church, and religion in general, has built an extreme doctrine of rejection around the the whole issue of sexuality and gender, based on misconception, misinterpretation, mistranslation, tradition and ignorance, that has expressed itself in dogma, intolerance, bigotry and hatred.
The level of pain and torment that gay people in the church have been subjected to is horrific. The highest suicide rate of all demographics is amongst gay Christian guys and Trans people. The traditional church, as it stands, offers nothing to these people apart from platitudes or outright hostility. All reparative/conversion ministries (“pray away the gay” groups) offer false hope for transformation. They have built complex, legalistic, religious structures and processes on the premise that homosexuality is sin.
The Silent Gays project aims to change the way we view our belief systems, specifically in the area of sexuality and gender, through education, empathy, acceptance, love and support. The enormity of who we are, in every sense, goes way beyond the narrow boundaries of traditional religion, biblical literalist constraints and church bigotry.
Everyone on the planet deserves unconditional love. It’s the only thing that brings real change to us and this world!