
Gays and G0ys

A couple of years ago I stumbled across (that’s gay with a zero – G0Y). It was interesting, but I didn’t give it much thought at the time other than thinking it was just a bunch of gay guys who hated effeminate gays and anal sex trying to justify themselves.

Recently though I’ve seen them mentioned around the traps and have given them another look. What I’ve found is fascinating, to say the least.

Basically, their tenet is built around the idea that more than 50% of guys are really on the bi-sexual spectrum and we should accept and embrace that. They also condemn anal sex and posit that being gay is mostly defined by effeminate, anal sex loving queers and it’s time we normalised “bromance”.

I actually applaud them for bravely addressing a very large issue – almost the elephant in the room in some ways! I’m not sure of the veracity of all their stats but I do believe they are right in that many guys would engage in more romantic and intimate relationships with their “mates” if it was normalised.

They also address the biblical issues around homosexuality reasonably well, although the way they approach it suggests a strong religious bias mixed up in it all.

What I find disturbing though is the strong underlying contempt for effeminate gay men. They hardly even attempt to disguise this either, which I guess is good to know before you venture too deep into their literature.

Their entire appeal is built around “we hate that effeminate crap and anal sex is evil”. They then present a lot of great information about normalising same-sex relationships between men – something that definitely should be promoted! But the huge problem is to do with their motivation and underlying attitudes, which, as I said, aren’t even thinly disguised.

There is a lot of mocking the “visible” gay community – the effeminates, the type that dress up and go to Pride parades and want to flaunt their sexuality. I can understand the mentality in terms of a knee-jerk reaction (I’m not effeminate myself and just want to be a “normal” guy who happens to be only attracted to men) but it’s actually incredibly damaging! The last thing we need is another level of bigotry and intolerance masquerading as a superior option for gay men!

The real issue is tolerance and mutual respect. We must learn that we are all unique and wonderful as we are. There is no right or wrong way of being gay. I absolutely agree that the taboo boundaries of sexual attraction should be exposed and normalised, but not at the expense of all the other expression of sexuality.

So for me, these guys, while expressing a genuine issue that needs urgent attention, have created something that is not only unhelpful but actually destructive!

It’s the wrong solution to the wrong problem guys!

Posted by Jim Marjoram


Thanks for the post pointing this out. Upon visiting I found some very relevant information. I checked out their claims & statistics & then a second time. I’ve gotta say that I disagree with you in the notion you made that these g0ys don’t address the right issue/s. The FACTS prove otherwise! I would strongly suggest that you check out the section called “NO APOLOGY” for the hard, cold stats – numbers collected for 30+ years by health organizations such as the CDC. If you’re a regular guy who loves guys (too), you need to check these g0ys out at the .org website by the same name!

Hi Curt,
Yes, I’ve read all the facts they present. There’s a couple of considerations in the data they point to, all around context and interpretation. The nuances and complexities of health issues are way beyond the bias that these people suggest.
I, too, have dug very deep into all this stuff and come to very different conclusions. The problem is, these guys have a serious agenda that is simply bigotry based on the rejection of “the feminine”. They have no understanding of the complex nature of gender and sexuality, and base their ideas on their personal opinions, fired up by confirmation biases and the echo chamber of their own voices.
I interacted with their “leader” and honestly, they are vitriolic and basically a hate group (and I don’t say that lightly)
At the end of the day, if you don’t like anal sex – don’t do it. If you want to be a macho man who likes to have sexual relations with other guys, that’s awesome. But to project your personal opinions in such a disgusting and vilifying way is unacceptable.

Curt Esident

You wrote: “There’s a couple of considerations in the data they point to, all around context and interpretation. The nuances and complexities of health issues are way beyond the bias that these people suggest.”
Well, Since this is a major point made at the website – I decided to see if I could find more data. Once again, I found myself on the “NO APOLOGY” page. In addition to several charts & links to CDC info sheets that clearly DO indicate precisely what the g0ys warn about concerning AnalSex (That it’s +5000% more dangerous at spreading STIs than even 0ral!); – one of the key related audio links was made by a writer at SLATE MAGAZINE (not exactly a publication for conservatives). The Article is here:
What the g0ys do is make this health information clearly visible on the website. The editor of the g0ys website remembered you too. He said that when you raised the issue of the health stats and he pointed out that the CDC data source was linked directly from a chart summarizing it on the g0ys website, – that it was you who pulled the plug on the conversation. I now have a copy of that data.
You also said: “They have no understanding of the complex nature of gender and sexuality”.
All over the g0ys website are references, charts & citations from the research done by Dr. Kinsey & his team about male sexuality in the 1940’s. Kinsey’s work is THE SEMINAL SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATION DESCRIBING MALE SEXUALITY. To say that g0ys don’t understand the nuances of sexuality is like saying that France doesn’t understand Champaign.
You also said the the g0ys: “base their ideas on their personal opinions, fired up by confirmation biases and the echo chamber of their own voices.” Actually, that describes the many voices that speak an endless mantra of biases & lies into the “gay” community. Every point on the g0ys website that I asked for a citation for ended up having a link to the citation in the point explaining the g0ys position or quoted nearby. But the most stunning use of quotations on the website was when g0ys used the words of some of the best known gay-activists to make the g0ys point for them. This was particularly effective when the g0ys pointed out that over 100-MILLION GAY MEN HAD BEEN KILLED BY SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES since the 1970’s and then quoted the famous gay activist, Larry Kramer, telling the gay community that it was their own fault! You don’t see that Kramer quote very often in “Ass Plowing Monthly” or other “gay” pubs! 100-MILLION CORPSES and not even .1% was a result of “Haters”. Tell us all again who has the welfare of the “gay community” at heart? Or, tell us who the #1 enemy of the members of the “gay community” are? You sound like a lemming denouncing the lemmings who are not interested in the occasional mass migration to the sea!
As far as g0ys alleged “vitriolic tone”: – I think the site summarizes the reason with this quote: ‘Due to the extremely serious nature of the content within this website, the intensity of the language may seem elevated in places. In such, we encourage you to consider the topic/s at hand & ask yourself the simple question: “Are these g0ys discussing a belief/behavior that is dangerous, disrespectful, demeaning, disease-spreading or deadly?”. The answer generally explains the tone!’
Yeah: I’d say that a group of men who love men, & yet denounce the attitudes & behaviors within the “gay community” that have DIRECTLY led to the deaths of over +100-MILLION men, – are not the “bad guys”.
And at this point in time, I tend to agree with a hypothesis now published on the g0ys website: “There is a Deadly, Insanity Inducing Pathogen spread via AnalSex!” And then the author goes on to show how similar pathogens exist in nature & how they cause animals such as rats to bizarrely respond to cat urine as an aphrodisiac, or cause certain caterpillars to make themselves extremely visible so as to get eaten by birds!
But the last comment you made really makes the g0ys point. You said (about them): “But to project your personal opinions in such a disgusting and vilifying way is unacceptable.” Have you ever been to a “Pride” parade? Me thinks the pot calls the kettle ‘black’!
I’ll let the g0ys website make my closing remarks for me:
“But, despite these deadly facts & the fact that AnalSex is the #1 cause of anal-rectal injury – the GAY-MALE community will continue on their wisdomless course of self-destruction; -& attempt to portray anyone who cites these well established facts as being “homophobic” or some other mindless slur that only a community with its intellectual & moral head up it’s collective arse will accept. Many people are followers. Many people are devoid of the ability to think critically. And many people – like lemmings – will follow the “crowd” right over the edge of a cliff while boasting about the very mindset that will kill them. Wisdom has been the mental commodity that seems to be in perpetual short supply & this website is not an attempt to call those without it to seek it. Fools scoff at wisdom. It’s in their nature – hence the death toll cited above. So, you’re either among the few who have been diligently seeking “us” or you’re among the many fools who’ll continue to play in sh!t & scoff. This website is offered to edify the former & shame the latter. NO FUCK’N APOLOGY!”

Jim Marjoram

Condoms solve most of these problems, lol.
But seriously…
I appreciate your attempts to support the opinions of this “movement”. They are obviously sincerely held beliefs that you are passionate about.
Yes, there is all the research that you reference, and as I said, “condoms”.
But here’s the thing – what business is it of yours in the first place to aggressively (and yes, it is extremely aggressively) condemn and vilify the actions of adults indulging in consensual sexual acts?
The reality is, all you are doing is projecting is hypermasculinity, as if it’s some god given directive that all men must behave exactly as you tell them.
Sure, if you want to be all macho man, go for it – a lot of guys like that sort of thing, so all good. But there are countless other men who simply aren’t that super macho stereotype, and there’s no way you are going to make them that way.
I also note that since I last checked the g0ys site 6 years ago, all the horrific abuse religious content has gone, which is definitely a move in the right direction.
But it does puzzle me what you guys are hiding? I mean, your hatred of anything that doesn’t fit your narrative is pretty over the top, which usually implies there is more going on in terms of psychological stuff. I’ve been around long enough, and worked with gay guys (mostly religious abuse victims) from all different backgrounds to know that those who aggressively promote some form of phobia are usually projecting their own fears, rather than any truly rational concern.
So anyway, thanks for your opinions. I’ve approved your comment for display, so people are free to make their own conclusions.
I hope you find love and peace with a lovely fem guy.

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